Tag: entrepreneurship


Spherox Pharmaceuticals Wins Oxford Finals of IMAGINE IF! Accelerator Competition

The sell-out evening at the Oxford careers service on October 12th was an inspiring showcase of the exciting innovation occurring in the Oxford ecosystem, and showed-off some equally impressive entrepreneurs and technology. Martin Ducker, from Spherox Pharmaceuticals, pitched his cell assay to block infiltration of the highly aggressive glioblastoma brain tumour and triumphed in firstaaa

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Meet the Oxford team of Innovation Forum

Meet the Oxford team of Innovation Forum, a team of talented entrepreneurially minded scientists and clinicians from the University of Oxford and Oxford Brookes University. During the 2016/2017 academic year, they have delivered an impressive catalogue of initiatives to inspire and educate the next generation of science-entrepreneurs and to accelerate innovation by connecting academics withaaa

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How to become a science-entrepreneur? Innovation Forum Oxford training on health and life sciences entrepreneurship

Academics more and more often think beyond publishing their discoveries in top journals and consider the commercial potential of their findings. This is particularly prominent at the University of Oxford, where last year, scientists span out 21 discoveries into companies, attracting ~£50 million in early-stage funding grants, investment and partnerships with pharma. This year, start-upaaa

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Developing the next generation of science-entrepreneurs

Academic research is a source of innovation with an astronomical impact on our society. In healthcare, the world’s first antibiotic, Penicillin, was researched and developed for mass production by academics here at the University of Oxford. In technology, the invention without which our generation is unable to function, the World Wide Web, was invented byaaa

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Lord David Willetts to Deliver Opening Keynote Speech at The Innovation Forum Leaders Conference 2017

Brexit has watermarked Britain’s future and has thrown not only the country but the whole scientific community into an enigma with a desperate need to stabilize its critical condition.  This may affect Britain tapping into shared science and funding as well as discouraging scientific talents globally.  What becomes of access to EU funding for manyaaa

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Finance for Scientists and Pitfalls of Entrepreneurship – Lecture

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest” Benjamin Franklin   Scientists and up-and-coming entrepreneurs are not financial experts. However, to have a successful business you need to navigate through the basics of finance for your investment to flourish. Join us on Wednesday 8th of March 2017 to hear from Sue Staunton, Partner and Headaaa

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How to raise capital: From who and from where? – Panel

Raising capital for your business idea is likely to be one of the hardest and most nerve-wracking things you do as a researcher or entrepreneur. We often read reports in the media about companies gaining large funding rounds or VCs raising large funds, but as a scientist or medic: how can I engage with theaaa

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Negotiation for entrepreneurs – Lecture

“Negotiation is the art of letting others have it your way” Prof Brian Mandell, Harvard   Entrepreneur negotiation requires the management of: Ego, Technical Complexity, Uncertainty, and Relationships. This lecture explores how these factors tie to negotiation style, revenue, and venture funding. Join us on Wednesday the 1st of March 2017 at 18:00 in Lectureaaa

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How to give an effective pitch – Lecture

No matter how great your business idea is, it won’t sell itself. Crafting a great pitch could be the difference between success and failure. But how do you actually prepare and what are the ingredients for a knockout pitch? Come on Wednesday 22nd February at 18:00 and listen to Tom Hulme, a world-class speaker withaaa

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How to write a business plan – Lecture

“He who fails to plan is planning to fail.” Winston Churchill   Having the idea for a business is the easy part. Turning that idea into a functioning business is what separates the millionaires from people with a great idea. And having a business plan will help you do just that. It requires you toaaa

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