Tag: business


ACE Saturdays 2019 – BioEscalator Business Toolkit: Strategy for Start-Ups

As scientists, researchers, healthcare professionals, and entrepreneurs you have many ‘balls to juggle’ – including staying ahead of technological developments, adapting to evolving customer and societal needs, shaping intelligent alliances, and attracting appropriate investors to propel your growth.  And this is only part of the picture… This is where strategy comes into play.   “Goodaaa

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ACE Saturdays 2019 – BioEscalator Business Toolkit: Negotiation

Would you be happy negotiating with your boss or a business rival? What professional opportunities would be unlocked if you understood how companies negotiate with one another? How can you develop an authentic style when negotiating that balances risk and enhances your skillset?   Join us for the fourth workshop of ACE Saturdays 2019 – BioEscalatoraaa

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ACE Saturdays 2019 – BioEscalator Business Toolkit: Idea Arc – A Design Thinking Innovation Tool

  Are you interested in experimenting with new problem-solving, team-harnessing, creativity-nurturing tools? Do you need help in moving from “I have an idea” stage to “I have a value creating solution” stage? Are you interested in applying Design Thinking tools for this purpose?   In this workshop, experts will guide you through a canvas, Theaaa

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ACE Saturdays 2019 – BioEscalator Business Toolkit: Pitching for Success

Have you felt lately that you ought to be more at ease when asked to talk about your work, your ideas, your venture? After all this is what makes you tick and should be a joy to share with your audience. As trainees and professionals in any discipline and industry, we are expected to beaaa

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A.C.E. Saturdays 2019 – The BioEscalator Business Toolkit

Innovation Forum Oxford, in collaboration with the BioEscalator, brings back another instalment of the A.C.E. Saturdays program, a series of five workshops delivering the basic business skills through “learning by doing”. Designed to benefit the Oxford academic, clinical and start-up communities, the workshops tackle fundamental topics (as detailed below) whilst allowing exchange of participants’ unique experiences and perspectives.   Follow theaaa

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ACE Saturdays 2019 – BioEscalator Business Toolkit: LEGO Serious Play

Want to improve your problem solving and teamworking by unlocking your creative skills? Curious how play and physical exploration of your ideas can be the key to your next innovative breakthrough? Join us for the first workshop of ACE Saturdays 2019 – BioEscalator Business Toolkit to learn new skills with like-minded colleagues in a fun andaaa

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Impact beyond the bench; researchers at the centre stage of Innovation

Are you a research scientist (D.Phil or Postdoc), a medical student, a clinician or a medical researcher? This one is for you! Join us on October 2nd for a fireside chat with Jason Lettiere (Healthcare Investment, Bank of America Merrill Lynch) and learn about what the investment community wants from entrepreneurial science. What is your scientific excellence worth, andaaa

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How to become a science-entrepreneur? Innovation Forum Oxford training on health and life sciences entrepreneurship

Academics more and more often think beyond publishing their discoveries in top journals and consider the commercial potential of their findings. This is particularly prominent at the University of Oxford, where last year, scientists span out 21 discoveries into companies, attracting ~£50 million in early-stage funding grants, investment and partnerships with pharma. This year, start-upaaa

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