Dr Alec Thomas

Business Development Associate

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Alec graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science in Environmental Engineering from the University Colorado at Boulder in 2013. As an undergraduate, he co-founded the university’s Biomedical Engineering Society student chapter and helped established industry connections and funds leading to collaborative biotechnology projects with local companies such as Medtronic and Stryker.

Alec began his doctoral training under the supervision of Professor Mark Borden in the Mechanical Engineering department at the University of Colorado. His research focused on characterising lung surfactant as an encapsulation material of microbubbles for applications such as diagnostic ultrasound imaging and drug delivery. He successfully defended his Ph.D. in 2018. He is now a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Oxford. His research includes development of novel imaging contrast agents for ultrasound and therapeutic carriers for targeted delivery.

Other team Members

Dr Tom Peach

Branch co-lead

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Amrit Sami

Business Development/Marketing Associate

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Dr Emilie Syed

Business Development Associate

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Dr Mira Kassouf

President - Innovation Forum Oxford

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Dr Grant Vallance

Operations Associate

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