Tag: She Started in Oxford


Innovation Forum Oxford’s co-founder, Dr Danuta Jeziorska, named as one of the 50 Movers and Shakers in BioBusiness 2018

Innovation Forum Oxford’s co-founder, Dr Danuta Jeziorska, named as one of the 50 Movers and Shakers in BioBusiness 2018 for supporting innovation from concept to market. We are proud to announce that our co-founder and ex-president, Dr Danuta Jeziorska, has been named a Rising Star in BioBeat’s ‘50 Movers and Shakers in BioBusiness 2018’ report,aaa

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She Started in Oxford by TechTonic

Oxford has always led the way in education, research and innovation. Unsurprisingly, thousands of influential leaders have begun their journey here. The list of famous Oxonians includes 51 Nobel Prize winners, 27 British Prime Ministers and countless CEOs, all of whom have disrupted their field, changing the status quo. Our partners, TechTonic will be hostingaaa

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