Jayprakash Mistry


Associate Director - Private Assets, M&G Investments

Jayprakash is a postgraduate Master’s student at the University of Oxford studying Nanotechnology for Medicine and Healthcare. He holds a Master’s in Law and Finance from Queen Mary, University of London, and a Bachelors in Finance from the New York Institute of Technology. Jay has a keen interest in entrepreneurship, ESG and life science investments, particularly in biotech and medtech. Professionally, he works within the private assets industry in London.

Jayprakash joins Innovation Forum to contribute and leverage his experience in the development and commercialisation of breakthrough technologies, to cross pollinate ideas and to help nurture growth and innovation in entrepreneurship and the venture ecosystem.

Other team Members

Adam McBride

Operations Associate

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Dr Alec Thomas

Business Development Associate

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Dr Tom Peach

Branch co-lead

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Amrit Sami

Business Development/Marketing Associate

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Dr Grant Vallance

Operations Associate

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